Reflections On Better Sex 2

The rim of the vaginal entrance, if given the proper attention, can be the second most sensitive zone after the clitoris in the majority of women.

Quite as much as the perineum, it has been neglected as a sensitive zone and while, from a purely positional point of view, one can understand the perineum being overlooked, unless discovered more or less by accident, it is difficult to understand how it is that the potential of the vaginal entrance has been missed by so many!

Most of those who have discovered it are oral lovers. The entrance of the vagina is, in fact, a ring of muscle, known as the constrictor cunni, which, like the ejaculation-producing muscles in the area of the penis-bulb, has a connection with the muscles controlling the anal opening.

The covering of the muscle is also extremely well-provided with nerves, which, in their turn, are connected with the woman’s orgasm-producing nerves. This mass of nerves makes the whole of the vaginal-entrance ring very responsive to stimulation and sexual caresses.

Both the man’s and the woman’s general muscular system contains two kinds of muscles, called voluntary and involuntary.

The voluntary muscles are those which can be brought into play at will. The involuntary muscles are those which their owner cannot force into activity, nor stop their activity once it has started.

Among the involuntary muscles which have a sexual significance are those directly concerned in orgasm. In the man they are the muscles in the area of the prostate and seminal vesicles which cause them to contract to force the seminal fluid into the urethra, and the muscles in the penis-bulb area which forces the semen up and out of the penis.

In the woman they are the muscles in the womb area, those surrounding the orgasm-platform of the vagina, and the muscles in the vaginal-entrance rim. After the point-of-no-return has been reached until the end of the orgasm neither the man nor the woman has any control over these sets of involuntary muscles, which continue their contractions until they stop of their own accord.

However, as well as being involuntary muscles during the orgasm experience, the man’s muscles in the penis-bulb area and the woman’s in her vaginal-entrance rim can become voluntary muscles outside the orgasm experience with a little training.

Strengthening The Sex Muscles

If, during masturbation, the hand is removed from the penis as soon as the orgasm contractions begin, it will be seen that with each contraction the penis is jerked upwards, falls back, jerks upwards, falls back and so on.

Exactly the same effect can be obtained if the man trains the muscle to contract and relax at will. The penis can be made to jerk in this way only when it is erect, of course, but the muscles themselves can be trained while the penis is limp.

The man tries to lift his testicles up to his body without touching them in any way. The testicles are not lifted, of course, but that is what it feels like.  For information on strengthening the sex muscles click here.

The muscles of the anus invariably contract when he tries to do this, and the effect is communicated to the penis-bulb muscles, which contract in sympathy.

Initially the man may not feel he is having any success at all, but doing this a dozen times during a day, after two or three days he will begin to feel a response. (He can do it while driving, or sitting in the train, or at his desk, or waiting at a bus-stop, or while watching TV, since no one can see or sense what he is trying to do.)

Once response is established, it will increase quite rapidly, and at the end of a fortnight the muscles will respond vigorously and lift the erect penis upwards through an arc of at least half an inch.

Think of this sexual technique as something once achieved, to be kept, with no falling off in performance allowed! Contract your muscles three or four times a day, at a regular time, perhaps while shaving.

The exercise makes the muscles stronger, and many men say that after they have acquired the ability, the involuntary contractions at ejaculation are more pronounced than they were before and that they seem to have more powerful orgasms.

The involuntary contractions of the muscles in a large number of women are so slight that the man is not conscious of them as the woman reaches orgasm, though she can feel them and gets a lot of pleasure from them.

Now, in exactly the same way that a man can control his penis-bulb muscles (outside orgasm) so the woman can control her vaginal-rim muscles so that she can contract them at will. She, too, begins their training by contracting her anal muscles. She, too, may be a little impatient of the slow progress she makes, but will eventually find it worthwhile to persevere.

The vaginal-rim muscles as a result of the training become much stronger so that the man is able to feel the involuntary contractions during her orgasm, and both will have an increased intensity of orgasm. The website describes many ways to help a man get over the inability to ejaculate and improve the quality of sexual intercourse for both him and his partner.

But the woman who does acquire this control is, thereafter, armed with two exceptional sexual techniques; like the man she has an additional stimulation technique, for if she contracts the muscles while the penis is in the vagina, she can have an almost devastating effect on her partner’s sensations – in fact, many men can be brought to orgasm by these contractions.

The way to do it is this: put the penis into the vagina, lie still, and the partner does the rest with her vaginal-rim muscles. Secondly, she is able to grip the penis in the vagina with the muscles.

One of the commonest of male complaints is that after a woman has had children, his partner has a loose vagina. This complaint of the men is to a very large extent based on an illusion. The penis cannot enter the vagina without making contact with the vagina walls to some degree either along the whole length of the ceiling and one of the walls, or along the whole length of the floor and one of the walls.

In the woman who has not borne children the rim is invariably so tight that it does touch the penis all round, and it is this that leads men to believe that the penis is tightly clasped by the whole vaginal barrel. In women who have borne children, the rim, like the rest of the barrel, is more distended, with the result that the sensation of the penis being held by it all round, disappears.

The woman who takes the trouble to train her vaginal-rim muscles can, by practice, so close the rim that grips the penis, and her partner will never complain of vaginal slackness.

But to return to the vaginal opening as a sexually sensitive zone. It responds enthusiastically to caresses with the tongue, and to a lesser extent, to light circular rubbing motions of a finger. Its greatest response, however is achieved when the penis is used as a stimulating agent.

How to do it!

The most satisfactory positions are either face-to-face-man-above, or one of the rear-entry positions. Whichever is selected the man’s technique is the same; he places the head of his penis only in the opening of the vagina and moves it slowly in and out so that only the first inch or two of the vagina is stimulated.

If the woman contracts her muscles in a rhythmic pattern that closes the vaginal opening as the head of the penis begins to move forward and relaxes it as it begins to move back, she adds greatly to the sensations she gets during sex.

However, this technique requires a very high degree of control in the man, for he is using that part of his penis most densely packed with his orgasm-producing nerves.

His own sensation response, therefore, is terrific. But the really advanced lover, who has acquired almost absolute control over his progress towards orgasm – in other words, one who has understood the causes of premature ejaculation and knows how to last longer in bed – can have at his command a really top-grade sexual stimulation technique.

This is the technique which most successfully produces multiple-orgasm in the woman, for example. Since it is so sexually arousing to both it can allow a variation to be introduced into the couples’ usual sexual patterns; instead of beginning with foreplay which is based on all kinds of stimulating caresses of the erogenous zones, the partners can enjoy sex as soon as, say, the woman’s clitoris has become erect, and use penile stimulation of the vaginal-entrance as foreplay.

This foreplay can be combined with another stimulation technique. There are very few women indeed who do not find it highly exciting indeed to have the penis jerked inside their vagina.

The stronger the jerk, the greater the arousal-sensation. Jerking the penis, however, is a very effective “calmer-down” of the man’s arousal, so used in combination with penis head stimulation of the vaginal rim it can help considerably in the man’s efforts to slow his progress towards orgasm.

While speaking of control of progress towards orgasm, much the greater part of premature ejaculation control is acquired by psychological means; men can tell themselves that they are nothing like ready to come yet.

Such psychological aids, and others which individual men discover for themselves, are made all the more effective when combined with physical aids.

No man needs me to tell him that after some experience of regular sexual intercourse he learns to recognize when his sensations have mounted to a point very near orgasm.

When he has reached this point, he should tell his partner to stop all sexual stimulation of him, and if, at that point, he is sexually aroused by what he is doing to his partner, he should switch to a caress which is not so arousing for him but which maintains his partner’s level of arousal.

One quite effective physical aid to controlling ejaculation is this: if the penis is lightly held and pushed downwards so that the head is pointing towards the feet, instead of upwards towards the belly, until it is hurting slightly, the pain at least makes the sensations recede, if it does not kill them altogether.

If the partner does this she must be careful not to depress the penis so far that it causes too much pain, which could produce prolonged discomfort after the penis has been allowed to return to its normal erect posture, and so spoil the sex for the man.

The man is able to do this for himself if a couple are making love in the face-to-face-man-above sex position, by pulling his body higher along his partner’s body, so that the angle of his penis with his body is increased. He must push the penis deeply into the vagina, and as the head of the penis will be pressed against the floor of the vagina at the back of the vaginal barrel, the partner will experience new sensations of arousal.

(He must, however, while taking care not to cause himself discomfort be mindful of his partner’s comfort too, because if the penis presses too deeply into the floor of the vagina pleasure will give way to vaginal pain on intercourse.) These new sensations of arousal will be increased by the simultaneous pressure of the top of the base of the penis on the clitoris.

It’s a fallacy that when the penis is put into the vagina as far as it will go, the top of the base of it rubs against the clitoris as it moves in and out, stimulates the clitoris and gives the woman an orgasm. In the vast majority of cases the penis and clitoris make no direct contact at all; in fact, penis-clitoris-contact is only possible (a) if the clitoris is abnormally long, and (b) if it is situated very close to the vaginal entrance.

However, the action of putting the penis deep into the vagina automatically spreads both the labia wide apart completely exposing the vulva ridge and clitoral area.

In view of this, the following technique of clitoral stimulation after penetration may be helpful: the man should press his pubic area against his partner’s pubic area, which will bring his pubic bone directly on to the general clitoral area exposed by the spreading of the labia.

This will automatically plunge the penis as far into the vagina as it will go. Having established this contact, and maintaining it, he rubs his pubic area from side to side or in a circular motion, and by doing so he stimulates the general clitoral area, as a great many women do when masturbating, and so brings her to orgasm during intercourse.

If she moves her pubic area in a similar motion but counter to his, the sexually stimulating effect is increased.

Besides being sexually stimulating to the woman, this sexual position has a great advantage for the man. As he cannot move his penis in the vagina while maintaining his pubic contact with the clitoral area, the movements have no stimulating effect on him.

He can bring the woman off without arousing himself more at all. It is, therefore, a very useful technique for providing the partner with multiple-orgasms.

You may find the technique a bit tiring at first, because you will probably make firmer contact than is really necessary, but with practice it can be maintained long enough to bring a woman to orgasm at least three times.

Also, because the penis does not move in the vagina, it is a useful technique for bringing the woman off when the man has inadvertently reached orgasm and ejaculated before her.

When women masturbate, they rarely stimulate the head of the clitoris, but rather the shaft, which lies under the skin.

Presumably women would not use this technique if it were not the one that brought them to orgasm most satisfyingly. This is useful for men to remember when stimulating their partners’ clitorises.

And because there is a very fine line between stimulating the head of the clitoris directly with a finger to produce arousal and causing discomforting irritation, we should not stimulate the head of the clitoris with anything but the tip of the tongue.

Find your own way to love truly, madly, deepy